Well peeps - it's that time of the year agin. Thanksgiving. My favorite holiday. All of the joy of Christmas in terms of familial togetherness and none of the stress of shopping and wrapping and rushing around. And of course the best part of the day- the food. The turkey, the stuffing and all of the trimmings. YUM-O! This is the first year in 10 years that I have not cooked the bird - and I'm LOVING it! I don't know what to do with myself this morning. So, I thought I'd sit down and update this neglected blog. So, today I am going to take a page from Oprah's playbook and list all of the things that I am grateful for - with my Bust Momma spin - of course. So here it is: Busy Momma's List of Thanks and Giving 2010.
1. I, of course, am thankful for my family. I am truly blessed to have an amazing husband and 2 really great kids. Now I know that I am a true joy to live with on MOST days - but I will admit...there have been days this past year that perhaps I've fallen a bit short of my goal of being "practically perfect in every way". Maybe one or two...and yet PC still comes home night after night with a smile on his face and a spring in his step. For that - I am truly grateful. Jack and Bella are the most amazing kids on the face of the earth - now I realize that I am prejudiced, but they truly are awesome. Bella told me the other day that she is happy that our family is "more than a regular family", and I was a bit puzzled about what she meant. She said that she's glad that we're not just a group of people who live in the same house - that we're a group of people who like being together who live in the same house. It amazes me that such little pearls of wisdom can come from a person who truly believes that Justin Beiber is THE BEST MUSICIAN on the planet - EVER.
2. I am very grateful for the baby on the way. Now, for those of you who know me well, you might be surprised about that. PC and I were QUITE surprised to find out that we were expecting another bundle of joy this coming spring. And I will be the first to admit - it took a while to wrap our heads around the fact that we would STILL be doing 4th grade long division homework when Bella is in college and Jack is in high school. We thought we were LONG done with diapers and bottles and 3am feedings - and we were cool with that. More than cool - we were happy! But a funny thing has happened in the past 4 months - we have started to remember all of the really terrific things about having a baby in the house and we are getting really excited about having the opportunities to witness all of those "firsts" again. Like how excited the baby gets when you turn on the Christmas tree lights for the first time. Or how excited we got the first time Bella giggled or Jack laughed his big, hearty belly laugh. It's such an unexpected blessing to have the chance to re-live that. We were so "in the moment" last time with a toddler and a baby that I don't think we appreciated all of those little moments. I know that this is THE LAST baby we will be having - another one would be a miracle of modern medicine and technology! So I know that we are going to savor every "first" - every giggle, every toothless grin, every coo and most of all - that sweet baby smell. (I mean the good smell.....)
3. I am grateful for my parents. First of all - that they are still with me. When PC lost his dad - it rocked our world. But it made us appreciate the time we have with our loved ones. I am so fortunate to have 2 parents who are totally supportive of everything I do - even some of my crazier ventures. I am also fortunate to have 2 parents who believe in "hands-on" grandparenting - sometimes it's more like "co-parenting". Some people wouldn't like that and it might not work for some families - but for us - it's been the BEST thing that has ever happened. I always joke that it takes a village to raise our children - and I am so thankful that my mom and dad are the village elders. (They'll love that...) I must add in here that I am ESPECIALLY grateful for my Mom's help when the kids are sick. She is SUCH a big help - taking them to the pediatrician for me, making them homemade chicken soup - specified to their liking - no rice, extra rice, no onions, more salt.... sometimes I think they fake getting sick just to spend a day with Nanny - where they are clucked over and treated like a crown prince and princess on their deathbed!
4. I am also very grateful for my dad's help with childcare. My dad does ALL of my childcare while I am busy saving the world one school at a time. This means that Poppy is the one doing the long-division homework, the 1st grade word journal work, the spelling homework and fielding all of the "howdoyaspell...?" questions. Poppy knows more about the fourth grade drama some days than I do. Poppy is the one doing pick-up in the rain, walking to the bus stop and running to school when someone is sick. There are many nights when I get home that it takes the kids an hour or so to start calling me "Mommy" and STOP calling me "Poppy". I should also mention that Poppy does other duties in his spare time - like emptying the dishwasher, bringing in the trash cans, feeding the cat and most importantly reminding us when we are running DANGEROUSLY low on dog food, cat food, paper towels and tp. There are days that I truly wonder how this place would run AT all without our Pops.
5. Of course - no discussion of giving and thanks would be complete without a shout-out to my girls - Sookie, Fifi, Hermione and the gang. Whether I need someone to watch the kids, someone to rant and rave at, cooking advice, kid advice, husband advice, - no matter what - they are always there. They all know how much I love and adore them - but it can't hurt to tell them again!
Now of course I am grateful for MANY other blessings - and AMAZING brother and sister-in-law, a truly fantastic extended family of cousins and aunts and uncles who I love dearly and desperately, our good health and good fortune. On this Thnaksgiving Day, Busy Momma wishes you and yours lots of love, laughter and happiness. I am truly grateful for all of YOU who take time out of your busy day to read my little blog. All of your comments make me smile. So go out now and gobble till you wobble.....
Welcome to One Busy Momma! The Blog for Busy Moms by one Busy Mom.....
Welcome to my blog. One Busy Momma is my space to rant about my life and the things that happen in it. I have a crazy life - and instead of focusing on the crazy - I like to focus on the funny. Because if I focused on the craziness - well, I'd have been shipped off to an institution long, long ago. And while, I'll admit, there are some days when being institutionalized sounds PRETTY GOOD compared to making ANOTHER diorama at 1am - I'd rather be right where I am - in my messy house with my not so perfect kids making crooked dioramas in the middle of the night.