Welcome to One Busy Momma! The Blog for Busy Moms by one Busy Mom.....

Welcome to my blog. One Busy Momma is my space to rant about my life and the things that happen in it. I have a crazy life - and instead of focusing on the crazy - I like to focus on the funny. Because if I focused on the craziness - well, I'd have been shipped off to an institution long, long ago. And while, I'll admit, there are some days when being institutionalized sounds PRETTY GOOD compared to making ANOTHER diorama at 1am - I'd rather be right where I am - in my messy house with my not so perfect kids making crooked dioramas in the middle of the night.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Oh Help...

Ahh..July. There is something about the word that conjures up images of porch swings, and lemonade, lightening bugs and lazy afternoons by the lake - right? Then why on earth does the word "July" make me hyperventilate lately? Perhaps it is the sheer amount of CRAZY that is on my plate for the month of July. The month started out peacefully enough - a wonderful trip to the beach with my beloved friends Sookie, Glynnis and companies. Then - we came home - and all hell is breaking loose.

First of all - PC and I decided to stay late at the beach - you know - enjoy the day, wait out the traffic and what-not. Which meant that we arrived home after 10, and had to tote 2 unconscious kids in from the car and up to bed. Then, after unpacking the car, shaking sand all over the driveway and unhooking the labrynth of DS/DVD/IPOD wires that were hooked into every outlet in the swagger wagon and packing them into their proper carrying case - we were faced with an unfortunate situation.

Before heading up to bed, I decided to quickly check email - only to discover that the mouse was not working - and neither was the keyboard. Hmmm - what to do? Whine to PC, of course. So, he dutifully climbed under the desk, assuming that something was unplugged. If only. While under the desk, he discovered that the mouse wires, keyboard wire, printer wires and speaker wires were all severed - or shall I say - nibbled through. CHEWED through - by a MOUSE! That's right Peeps. While we were out sunning our buns - Mickey, or one of his pals - was having a GRAND time in my office, chewing his way through all that I hold dear. So, after an appropriate string of truly foul words, worthy of a drunken sailor, PC squeals - I mean - says in a very deep, masculine voice: "Son of a B%*TCH - THERE IT IS!!!". And there it was - running under the couch. And, dear friends - you can picture what happened next. PC and Busy Momma, armed with brooms and tennis racquets and pasta collanders and plastic bowls just going to town trying to smack the crap out of this teeny, tiny mouse. To no avail. The mouse outplayed, outsmarted and outwitted us. So, off to bed we finally went - defeated, demoralized and totally grossed out. I am happy to report that our visitor HAS been caught and has met his maker courtesy of one of the dozen old fashioned mouse traps PC has scattered all over the house.

So now, I have to take care of all of the damage the stupid mouse caused! AND get an exterminator! All before leaving on a business trip for a whole WEEK! Now - a week long business trip wouldn't be so bad - if it did not involve coming home late on Friday night and leaving early on Saturday morning for vacation!!! How on EARTH am I going to manage THAT? How will I manage getting home at 11 pm on Friday and having a family of 4 packed for a week long beach vacation and out the door by 8am on Saturday morning? It will take an act of God - a miracle for this to happen.

And THEN, I will be on vacation for a week - drive home on Friday or Saturday and fly out on SUNDAY for ANOTHER business trip!!!! HOW on EARTH am I going to do THAT??????????????

I am truly afraid that Busy Momma is going to loose her ever loving mind. So - here's the plan:
1. Busy Momma has started the evening with a glass of wine. While this will not help Busy Momma work any faster or more efficiently -it will probably prevent her from killing anyone.
2. Busy Momma is doing the laundry as she types. When the laundry is finished - Busy Momma will fold and pack vacation clothes and then HIDE these clothes from PC and the children.
3. Busy Momma will then make sure that the children have enough clothes and underwear for a week of camp while she is away. If they do not - she will but cheapo shorts and tee shirts at WalMart tomorrow. She will not tell PC she is doing this - under any circumstances. 
4. If PC is reading this blog and is angry about this impending shopping trip - then maybe he can remember that Busy Momma is about 1 step away from a nervous breakdown and checking herself into Shepard Pratt for a nice "vacation" in the crazy house.
5. Busy Momma is now going to open a new bottle of wine, because she is getting mad at PC- and he's not even home from work yet - big fat stupid, stupid headed jerk.
6. That's better.
7. What am I doing here? Oh the plan...that's right. Maybe I need some more wine here....

Oh crap - plans schmlans. I really have no idea how I'm going to manage this one - I really don't. It is going to take some pretty serious coordination and team work. And wine - lots and lots of wine.....

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya' sistah! I was gone for a week, flew out less than 48 hours later for a week with the family, flew back into bwi and went straight to the beach for the 4th, bypassing our house entirely. Got home, finally, Monday - like you after 10, worked for for days and have been packing and doing laundry, etc like crazy so we can get out of here early tomorrow for a week in paradise. If only I can get us all there! :) Let's catch up in August, 'k?
