Welcome to One Busy Momma! The Blog for Busy Moms by one Busy Mom.....

Welcome to my blog. One Busy Momma is my space to rant about my life and the things that happen in it. I have a crazy life - and instead of focusing on the crazy - I like to focus on the funny. Because if I focused on the craziness - well, I'd have been shipped off to an institution long, long ago. And while, I'll admit, there are some days when being institutionalized sounds PRETTY GOOD compared to making ANOTHER diorama at 1am - I'd rather be right where I am - in my messy house with my not so perfect kids making crooked dioramas in the middle of the night.

Friday, August 23, 2013

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.......

Well hey there everybody! How was your summer? Busy Momma and Crew had a terrific summer!

Jack played baseball at Cal Sr.'s field at Iron Birds stadium - twice! 

We celebrated PC's 41st birthday....
and our 14th wedding anniversary!

We went to New York and did some sightseeing on our way to....

Cape Cod!

I can't believe that TODAY is the very LAST day of our summer break. Bella just got her back-to-school haircut, Jack will go tomorrow. We met Jack's fourth grade teacher last night and deposited all of his school supplies in his desk. Bella's brand-new backpack is sitting at the door packed with her "locker essentials" - wallpaper, mirror, picture frames, chandelier...nary a pen or pencil in sight.  (I will load the pencil case tomorrow!) Bella's room looks like a tornado hit her closet as there are several different outfits hanging awaiting approval for the official "1st day of school" outfit club. Very, very stressful decision to be sure. Jack is seriously aggravated that I am "forcing" him to wear a polo shirt on the first day. He wants to wear soccer shorts and a tee shirt. He says that by the end of the first week his teacher will know that he NEVER wears "fancy" stuff with "buttons" and she will know that I TOTALLY forced him to dress like a "dork" on the first day. And then "What will she THINK of you, mom?"
 I told him that I'd take my chances. 

 I know that I say this every single year - but WHERE did the summer go? How did we go from this:

to this?

Busy Momma is bumming! Don't get me wrong - like any teaching geek - I LOVE LOVE LOVE loading pencil cases with brand new crayons and freshly sharpened pencils. I LOVE the promise that a new school year brings.I even love the back-to-school shopping.  I don't love the chaos of restarting the routine - the running to soccer practices, taekwon-do schedules, drama club pick-up, art club pick-ups, scout meetings and functions. But that's part of the journey, isn't it? As much as I am DREADING waking up my little angels Monday morning at 6:30 am after they have been sleeping until 10 am and later all summer...I am looking forward to seeing what fourth and seventh grade have in store for us. I know that our fall will be extremely exciting...my darling brother and sister-in-law are expecting their first child on THANKSGIVING! And we are awaiting her arrival with baited breath over here. We have an entire corner of my bedroom dedicated to little "gifties" for "Baby Nu-Nu" as we have taken to calling her. Jack and Bella have a list of names that they are desperately hoping are in the running. (My brother sadly informed me that ,in fact, not ONE of their chosen names is in the running. I cannot imagine why "Sacajawea" didn't make the final cut. Bella will be devastated.) So, needless to say, we are entering a very exciting and blessed phase of our lives. 
As the inevitable chaos of the next few weeks enters all of our lives - here is my wish for you:

 May all of the teachers you encounter next week be well rested, rejuvenated and excited to begin a new year. 
May your pencils  stay sharp and  your crayons not break.
 May no one hassle your baby on the bus.
May no one have a cooler back-to-school outfit than your tweenage daughter. 
(Except for mine - sorry Peeps.)
 May no one in your household lose their lunchbox or book bag all year.
May your child's teachers all have a sense of humor.
May your child's teachers all have children of their own and an understanding of what a pain-in-the-ass out of school projects really are - and not assign any this year.
May there be no bake sales for you to worry about.
And above all - May you find the time to enjoy your kids,  laugh with them and most of all appreciate every minute you have with them! 

OK - I think that covers every potential crisis. Have a GREAT back-to-school week my Peeps and remember - when all else fails:

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